Sunday, January 13, 2013

Evening Primrose "I Remember"

Please watch this video for the discussion on getting and giving feedback. The performance isn't great but I want to hear from you about why it isn't great. Please comment.


  1. One of the things I notice first is that the phrases seem to break mid-sentence. There's a way to continue the thought even during longer held notes.

  2. Musically, I think that more legato would help to show a softer side to her voice and would make the song more interesting to listen to. She also doesn't really connect with the music underscoring her, but her eyes do really have a great inner life to them that makes her story compelling. I wish she would've connected her singing more with her acting to really make it a stand out performance.

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  3. Thanks for the comment Michael. I like your comment about her eyes and her inner life.

  4. I hadn't thought of the choppy dialogue line of the song good point indeed. My initial qualm with the performance is that every thing seemed to have the same color and volume. The different memories were relatively the same and whereas her eyes were the most intriguing part of the performance she kind of stuck with the same "remembering face" in a way and she lost lots of potential in each item. She was quite accurate in pitch and rhythm from what I can glean keeping the piece's integrity, but there were a few moments where I think she may have been focused too much on her voice or not focused enough where she had to scoop,was flat, or had to push sustaining a note. It truly does help that she has an active and charming face.

  5. First of all! Was this woman Lisel in Sound of Music? She looks so familiar. I totally agree with all of the comments above. I think that she is sweet and adorable, however I would love to see her connecting with her scene partner. I completely forgot that he existed. Her vocal quality is nice, however I don't feel like she really used the music to tell a story. I've worked on this piece before and the phrase "i remember" is repeated a million times. I really didn't feel like she was able to distinguish between any of the repeated phrases, vocally or through her storytelling. I didn't mind that she has a positive outlook on the past in the beginning, but I didn't really think the song brought her to a new place. She seemed the same as she was when she began. It really was not a poor rendition, it just wasn't as engaging as a Sondheim song should be!
